Wall mirrors can be found in many homes especially in regular bathrooms and dressing rooms. This is predominantly how wall mirrors are used for but this does not limit where mirrors are placed and we can now see mirrors in many other rooms other than the bathroom. We see them in living rooms where they accentuate the decor of the room, in front porches, walkways and practically any place one's creativity would lead them to place them. We even have entire walls and sometimes even buildings made entirely of mirrors. Even telescopes spot mirrors like the giant one that is aboard the Hubble telescope. Cosmic observatories which deal with the science of studying the universe also boast some of the most advanced mirrors in the world.
Originally, we saw mirrors made from materials and substances that were different from the glass that we know today. This was mainly because the modern glass-making techniques were largely unknown. Countries like Turkey, used what we know today as volcanic rock to forge mirrors that had reflective capabilities. These were further polished to create a much smoother surface that had reflective potential. Other tribes like the Mayans utilized polished stone to form mirrors and sharp instruments that could pass as weapons. The Romans then refine the technology using sand and created a crude version of the glass that we have today. Let us now examine some uses of mirrors.
The most traditional use of mirrors is for grooming purposes. We cannot imagine taking a shower, brushing our teeth or brushing our hair without a mirror. Other than the toilet seat, and the tub, the wall mirror is the most important aspect of bath area. Women use mirrors more frequently than men and there exists many instances where they go to the rest area just to "powder" their face and here the mirror is what draws them. In many hotels, there is even a "powder room" that exists solely for this purpose. Most women also carry powder boxes and make-up kits with them and they also need a mirror to be able to use these. Mirrors are also an integral part of the beauty industry and can be seen effortlessly in many spas, beauty parlors and salons not to mention barber shops.
Let us dwell on beauty shops for a little bit. It us unimaginable to find a beauty shop or a barber shop devoid of mirrors. It was not make an ounce of sense because the very purpose why customers frequent these places is so as to modify how they look. These mirrors are usually kept spotless using a variety of window cleaning detergents and sprays and this is so that they can portray th most accurate picture or image. Customers also rely on these mirrors, which are usually larger and more elaborate than regular mirrors, to see how their new hairdo has turned out. Mirrors are therefore as indispensable as the beauty salons themselves.