Finding a good financial planner is not easy by any means. If you aren't careful you are very like to be taken advantage of by scam artists. Knowing how to navigate through these shady characters and make a choice is imperative. There are two ways to find a financial planner, the right way and the wrong way. Companies and individuals that offer their services in any one of the following manners are bad news and stay away from them at all costs.
Cold Calls * After a long day at work when you come home to relax the last thing that is on your mind is getting a call from someone claiming to be a financial planner. These people will promise you that they can solve all of your financial problems. They are actually very annoying. Cold calls are calls that are unsolicited calls from people that are most likely not even financial planners. They are aggressive in nature and will anything in order to keep you on the phone. All that they really want is to earn a commission.
Education Classes * Many people sign up for education classes thinking that they will learn how to better manage their finances. They are usually very excited to go to the class and learn valuable new information that will help them in this area.
A lot of times these classes are a scam for brokers and financial planners that are posing as legitimate instructors to get more clients. The brokers/planners will teach the class enough to feel informed but leave enough information out to create a need for the student to pay to retain their further services.
Free Seminars * The adage that you get what you pay for definitely applies to this situation. These are seminars that have no attendance fee and guess what, the teachers aren't getting paid either. The teachers are only there in order to get noticed and be able to establish themselves in the field and also hope to gain some business from the attendees.