Using old and forgotten items you already have is one of the best budget decorating tricks around. The possibilities for using items found around your home in unexpected ways are limitless. Here are five suggestions for re-using old items in new ways:
Branches: Fallen or pruned branches and sticks from the yard can be given a second life inside the house. Remove any leaves and thorns from the branches and wipe them down to remove any outside dust. Spray paint the branches in a dark brown, black, white or metallic color and arrange in a large pot. This arrangement is great placed in an empty corner of a room or on top of a fireplace for an organic touch.
Old Windows or Doors: Salvaged architectural items such as windows and doors do not have to go to the junk yard. These items can be used as headboards by simply screwing their frames to the wall with wood screws. Doors can also be placed on sawhorse legs and used as a simple yet unexpected desk.
Books: Old books can be transformed into a functional and decorative safe storing valuables. This simple project creating a book safe involves cutting out the centers of some of the pages, turning a used book into a great little spot for hidden storage.
Cowboy or Rain Boots: Make planters for your garden with an old pair of boots for a kicky feel. Poke holes in the soles of the boots for drainage and fill the bottom of each boot with small pebbles for drainage and extra weight. Now you can place a plant in its original plastic container inside the boots for instant charm.
Old Tablecloths: This is a colorful way to add some vintage appeal to your Kitchen. A large tablecloth can be turned into a new set of placemats or napkins. Cut the old tablecloth into squares or rectangles, making sure to cut around stains and candle wax drippings. Stitch the edges of the fabric for a finished look.
These are just a few ideas to get you started using old items in new ways. Countless other ideas are out there too; just use a little ingenuity and a lot of creativity.