Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Date Experiences

People who are timid and introverts do not make good dates. However everyone looks forward to dating someone. Usually the thought of meeting someone for the first time can be quite unnerving.

If you are one of those who manage to put on a confident look on the exterior but are shaky from within, following tips can help you increase your self esteem while going on a date:

Do not carry your past baggage with you when you go on a new date. Always begin a fresh and invest your energy and attention on building your future with the new relationship and bury the past. Getting over and putting your past behind you will increase your self-confidence to go on a new date.

However your past experience may be used to learn useful lessons so that you can avoid making the same mistakes with your new date. They do serve their purpose in teaching us valuable lessons to change ourselves but you should leave it at that and forget your past and live in present.

Another way of building your self-esteem can be to list out your positive deeds and qualities that helped you in the past. If your actions made other person happy, you will feel good and remember those positive points.

Your struggles and challenges also contribute to building your character and make the person you are. You might have funded your education on your own without taking money from your dad or managed to buy a car without a loan from your parents. Recalling such things can do wonders to your self-esteem.

Well-groomed and clean-shaven look and feel is very important especially on your first date to be able to come across as a friendly person. You can consult professional stylist or take help from your friends to find the right co-ordinates and style for your first date.

A fabulous outfit, a fresh cut and improved posturing helps your confidence and you will be able to put your best foot forward and make a mark on your date.

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