Innovation is a product of how the human behaviors will crave for variety and crave for something different from the existing. People want a different way of doing something. These cravings have to be answered by the people themselves.
It is normal that all humans will want to try something different, whatever the cost. People are always seeking to take their lives a step higher than where they currently are.
People always venture into new things hoping for embitterment.
There are countless ideas that come about every day. People always aim to create value out of everything that they do. They do this by relying on existing knowledge, which can be improved to come out with new things and innovative ideas.
A lot of new ideas have a chain story behind them. It is often that one idea will encourage another person to come up with a new idea to improve, compete, or to make obsolete, what has been thought about by another.
It does not pay to have an extremely bright idea and then shelf it. You will often get a lot of criticism for churning out a new idea but that should be no reason to back down. You should always be optimistic and work towards achieving new stuff.
Many times, the innovations we see going round are just a slight variation of an existing idea. These are often done is such a way that their benefits work just as though they were a new concept. Therefore, many products are improvements of another.
We all have always basked in the glory and enjoyed the works and thoughts of a few geniuses throughout life. We have had many solutions to problems that arose.
There are some bright people who can come up with simple but all the same brilliant ideas. These may be technical inventions that we love to ignore yet they make our lives better.