If you visit a certain website every so often, you will agree that it can be a tormenting experience to have to wait for a slow loading page to open and display all contents.
If you had never thought that there may be an answer to that problem for a long while to come, then brace yourself for the entry of a new service Fast Flip. This will be able to flip through link pages and give you the exact feel you get when you flip through magazine pages.
Fast Flip will credit its essence to a reader's ability to without opening a link or page, allow web surfers to see what content is inside it. This may be headlines, updates on feeds, picture updates and other topical issues in a forum. This only comes as a basic; with search and share enhance features following as a result of Google's improved technology.
Google is not working alone in this process. Google has entered into agreements with The New York Times, Newsweek and Business Week to have the concept tested. These organizations are all in the publishing or media business and hence they are relevant targets, as people prefer Fast Flip for skimming through headlines in a variety of newspaper publishers.
When we talk of previews here, you are not just viewing a one-line sentence of a whole story page. With Fast Flip, you will be able to see a huge thumbnail of the whole page and its sections, in proportion factor to what the whole page is like. This is navigable through topic-based categories.
You should not be shocked to see some genius ideas like this shot down by pundits as just some other fad that will die off and not live to its hype. This one though will be an absolute heartbreaker to the critics
Like every other innovation that involves hefty bucks, more so where big names like Google and New York Times are mentioned there will always be some cynicism involved as to who is to benefit from it.
Whenever you see these media houses and Google teaming up, you obviously know that there is a cemented plan to help each other grow their revenues. That is okay. See no evil here no evil. Anyway, there is a service rendered to each other and everyone takes his cut.
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